Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Patient History

Biographical Information

Name: Patient L
Birthdate: March, 1985
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Address: Oklahoma
Insurance: Yes
Family: Husband, 1 older sister in CA, 2 still-married parents who live across the street. Not for any medical reasons, we just like each other. My husband (henceforth known as Biletteral) and I bought our house first.

Medical History

Nothing major until college.  A few rocky years of teenagehood, but I think that's to be expected.

Diagnosis: I was first diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Type II after a suicide attempt in December 2003 during my freshman year of college. I had been sick with mono and given steroids which have side effects of mood loosening, clearly not a good idea, but nobody had any idea. I was immediately started on Lithium and was told I would be on it for the rest of my life. 

Since then I've experienced "mania" twice, once after an all-nighter that same freshman year, and once after taking Sudafed. My mania is more hallucinations that lasts for a very intense but short period of time - 48 hours max.

I tend to be depressed side of things and typically require an antidepressant more than a mood stabilizer, which makes me very atypical for people with Biopolar Disorder. I am definitely not angry and rarely (if ever) exhibit signs of typical mania, but I am very anxious and expect perfection of myself, but not of others.


I've been on and off many, many medications throughout the years, and sometimes off all meds for periods of years. I should also mention that I get every side effect known to man and have the weakest stomach ever. However, the worst side effect to me is not being able to sleep. Not sleeping=not good.

Find the full(ish) list here.

My Doctors:

  • Psychiatrist for meds dealing with moods
  • Counselor I see weekly/biweekly depending on my schedule 
  • Medical doctor I used to see for all medication including mood meds, but still see for Migraines, everything else

Personal History (well, over the past couple years)

Biletteral and I married in May 2010, two weeks after I graduated with my M.Ed. in Adult Education. 3 months later I was hired full time with the same  department where I had interned. At this point I was medication free and had been for quite some time (years). In May 2011, my maternal grandmother died and I started having a little trouble. I went to my medical dr and started Pristiq. In December, there was an event, which shall henceforth be known as The Event.

I did well for a while, but around March I started having more trouble. However, I tried nontraditional self-medicating through art, exercise, that kinda stuff. However, over the summer it has become increasingly obvious that I was still struggling. I started both counseling and Lithium in June, but still continued to go downhill. 

It became obvious that I needed additional help. I started seeing a psychiatrist in the very beginning of August and have also taken medical leave from work. And that takes you up to now!


  1. Hello there, stumbled upon your blog from a pals fridays letters. I have a friend with bipolar disorder so I am interested to see how you deal with similar situations. I wish you well and have become a new follower :D

  2. Thanks, Christina! I really hope that this is just a place I can voice my experiences and hopefully give others out there the feeling that they're not alone!
